So you're interested in Cedarbridge?

Before we jump in, we want you to know that you are always welcome at Cedarbridge, just as you are.  No matter where you find yourself in life, faith, or identity, we are ready to pull up a seat just for you at the table of Christ (spoiler alert: there’s already one there!)

No matter where you find yourself...

in life, faith, or identity...

you have a seat at the table with us!

Let’s start with what you won’t see when you worship with us at Cedarbridge!

What You WON'T See

What to wear.  You won’t see men in suits or women in dresses - no shade to fancy threads or your “Sunday’s best,” wear that if that’s what makes you comfortable.  Otherwise, come just as you are!  Athletic wear, jeans, tennis shoes, baseball hats, and flip flops are totally appropriate!

Our worship space.  You won’t see traditional church symbols like pews, hymnals, a pulpit, or a baptistry. It isn’t because we don’t believe those symbols have value, it's simply because we are a brand new church holding services in a rented space. We also care more about serving and experiencing Jesus together rather than everything looking perfect. Jesus can still find us in a fold-out chair using the Bible App on our phones!

Our vibe.  Cedarbridge is not stuffy! The mood is light and energizing. People are buzzing around before and after the service chatting and catching up. There are no assigned seats, so we encourage you to try out new seats each week and meet new people! We have greeters at the door ready to welcome you to the service and people engaging with our online community during the services as well.

Our lingo.  There’s no “insiders’ language” nor a “biblical literacy IQ test” required to worship with us. You will hear the gospel at Cedarbridge.  Period. Our language is infused with accessibility and clarity – this means whether you know a ton about Jesus or whether you know nothing about Jesus, our message is readily understandable! We don’t have complicated policies or requirements for joining us.  If you want to come alongside us in the radical work of showing the love of Jesus to ALL people, you can!  BAM, you’re immediately a Ministry Partner.  If you want to take that commitment to the next level, you can join us as a Covenant Partner (which is just the official way of saying that Cedarbridge is your home).
Now for what you can expect during a typical worship service at Cedarbridge...

What You CAN Expect

Our service.  We kick off the gathering with a few quick announcements, followed by a time of praise through music.  We have a band and a rotating team of musicians of all ages (all means all, whether you’re 5 or 105!) who lead us in singing a few songs (here’s a sample playlist).  Next, we read scripture and our awesome pastor, Amy, shares a sermon. During the sermon, kids ages 5 and under are invited to their own gathering (check out our Cedarbridge kids page for more info), however, they are welcome to remain in the service with you as well! Our service ends with a time of response, during which all are welcome to sing, write prayer requests, share tithes and offerings, reflect quietly, or participate in communion. Amy is available to pray with you personally during this time, and if you’re joining us virtually, you can send us prayer requests via our website or our app.

That’s all folks! No red tape to jump through, no costumes to put on. You matter to God and you matter to us! We can’t wait to meet you! If you have a question about anything you’ve read here or something we didn’t cover, please send us an email and check out our social accounts! Hope to see you soon!

Are you thinking of joining us?  If you’d like, you can let us know below and we’ll have someone on the lookout for you who is ready to answer your questions, show you around, and sit with you!