heaven to Earth

One of our core values is being the hands and feet of Christ.  You can name it missions, outreach, serving, or whatever else you want to call it, but this is how we use our time, talents, and financial gifts to bring Heaven to Earth.

Current & Ongoing Mission Opportunities

If you are interested in serving in one of the ways below, or if you have a mission opportunity you’d like to kickstart at Cedarbridge, please contact our Missions Team Coordinator by filling out the form on the bottom of this page.  For the most up-to-date volunteer opportunities, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter (linked at the bottom of the page). Everyone is welcome to serve - you do not have to be a Covenant Partner at Cedarbridge.

Angel Tree

This ministry focuses on collecting, organizing, and delivering donations for local families during the Christmas season. In the past, we have partnered with local organizations such as the Grifton Mission Ministries and the Pitt County Council on Aging.

College Focus

We love connecting with students at our local colleges by supporting move-in day, preparing treats for Jesse Peel Center students, delivering exam care packages, and participating in on-campus events such as Free Hugs Day, Get A Clue, and Coming Out Day.

Jesus House

Led by Pastor Aaron Saufley, Jesus House is a home in West Greenville where neighborhood locals gather for breakfast on Saturday mornings and for "house church" on Sunday mornings. They also have a clothes closet for the neighbors to shop for essentials!

Grants Fund

Since our inception, we have pledged to give back at least 10% of our budget to the community through a grants fund.  Individuals, families, and community organizations can apply for funding with no strings attached.

Open Table

Open Table volunteers prepare frozen meals to support friends, family, and neighbors in the community. They also helps organize, prepare, and serve meals for groups such as the Pitt County Fair Workers, Jesus House, and teen moms at YoungLives.

Pitt County Schools Engagement

Throughout the school year, we show our appreciation for local school staff with gifts, lunches, and treats. We also collaborate with Parents for Public Schools of Pitt County to support our community.

PRIDE Initiatives

At Cedarbridge, participating in community LGBTQ+ events is a top priority. We routinely have booths at the NAMI Pride festival, fundraise and attend events with the Peel Center, and participate in local interfaith symposiums.

Welcome House 

In partnership with three other local churches, Cedarbridge helps host Welcome House Greenville. This ministry works in conjunction with the USCRI to welcome and assist refugees by setting up residences and helping families acclimate to their new community.

Some of the organizations we've partnered with:

CareNet East, YoungLives, Pitt County Fair Workers, North Pitt High School, Lakeforest Elementary School, South Greenville Elementary School, Jesse Peel LGBTQ Center at ECU, Pitt County Council on Aging, Grifton Mission Ministries, Food Bank of ENC, Daughters of Worth, Purple Pantry at ECU, Amexcan, Welcome House Raleigh

Do you have questions about volunteering?
Want to sign up today?

Please fill out the form below.